Explore an exquisite piece of history – an original Japanese Samurai armor from the Edo period, crafted between 1680 and 1700. This exceptional armor belonged to Gondo Heizaemon Yoshimasa, a revered figure of the Kurume clan in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu.
The Gondo family, known for their unwavering service to the Kurume clan lord Arima family, passed down this remarkable armor through generations. Bearing witness to numerous battles and wars, this armor reflects the bravery and heritage of its lineage.
Constructed with intricate details, this authentic armor consists of iron plates sujibachi with wakidate, ressei menpo, goishigashirazane 2maido, tousei sode, shiwafukube kote, koshino haidate, and shino suneate – all original and impeccably preserved. It comes encased in its original wooden box adorned with the clan Mon and name.
While showcasing its age through slight wear, this antique armor remains a testament to its historical significance. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a rare and magnificent piece of early Edo period Japanese history.
The owner was Chikugo Kurume Gondo Heizaemon Yoshimasa
Chikugo is now Fukuoka Prefecture in the Kyushu area.
The Gondo family served the Kurume clan lord Arima family throughout the Edo period.
The family last many generations and participated in many wars and battle’s
Gondo Heizaemon was born in 1664 and died in 1730 burried in Kurume.
This armor whas his Real Samurai and its realy wonderful.
All parts are original matching the details are stunning.
Armor comes in original wooden impressive box with clan Mon and named.
This is once in a lifetime an impressive and original Japanese Armor from early Edo period.
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