About Henk slok
The founder of Bushidoshop
Continuing your pursuit of the Bushido path and Japanese antiques, you may discover that each piece you encounter carries a unique narrative, inviting you to unveil the wisdom and ethos of the Samurai. Through these artifacts, you can forge a personal connection to the noble ideals of Bushido, allowing you to understand:
Honor, discipline, integrity, and loyalty.
It is our way of life that we share with you.
We hope you enjoy your journey into Japanese history, just as we do.
Continuing your pursuit of the Bushido path and Japanese antiques, you may discover that each piece you encounter carries a unique narrative, inviting you to unveil the wisdom and ethos of the Samurai. Through these artifacts, you can forge a personal connection to the noble ideals of Bushido, allowing you to understand: Honor, discipline, integrity, and loyalty. It is our way of life that we share with you. We hope you enjoy your journey into Japanese history, just as we do.