This blade is attributed to Chiyozuru
It is estimated it was forged during the last years of the Nanbokucho-early Muromachi period year 1392.
Chiyozuru is a sword smith of the Rai school he is said he was the son of Rai Kuniyasu (kunitoshi).
He has moved to Echizen province and made swords
After he succeeded around Bunwa era(1352) 4 generation continues
until Bunan era of Muromachi period.
the school is also highly rated as Chiyozuru or other name Echizen Rai.
Because the name Chiyozuru has happy meanings, it is said that the sword was send as present between the Daimyo.
The name Chiyo-zuru is a set of Japanese Kanji that means a thousand generations crane by word for word translation.
This blade has many works in the Ha. The Hamon is Ko-Gunome Midare with thick Niokuchi. the Ko-Ashi is soft, there are many Yo.
It also have Rai school atmosphere.
Swordmaking began in Echizen by Chiyozuru Kuniyasu in approximately 1337. This is where the school got the name Chiyozuru. He was in search of the right spring water to forge his swords. He settled in Takefu in Echizen.
It is a perfect representation of swords from the late Nambokucho/early Muromachi period. It is in marvellous condition.
This blade is appraised as a Hozon Token(保存刀剣) issued by NBTHK(Nihon Bijutsu Touken Hozon Kyokai:日本美術刀剣保存協会). This authentication paper was only given to authentic Japanese swords, well preserved with artistic value.
Blade Nagasa 68.4cm
Sori 2.0 cm
Era Nanbokucho~Muromachi era(1392)
Country Echizen
Famous Rai School.
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